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Toyota Fortuner Specifications & Bullet Resistant

Design/Specification of Bullet Resistance Vehicle

We use the best quality engineering ballistic material in armoring evaluated and approved against the threat perception NIJ Level-III/III+ i.e 9mm, 7.62X51mm (SLR) & 7.62X39mm (AK-47) ( HSC ) HAND GRENADE HE-36

We are working on MHA/BPR &D specification.

The designed/specification mentioned below:
Specification & Material Description

A - Bullet Resistance splinter proof Glass 25mm to 80mm (Imported) warranty 5 years for Imported Glass and for 2 years of Indian Glass (Only delamination of glass)

1 Wind screen
2 Front door left/righ
3 Rear door mix Qtr left/right
4 Dicky quater glass left/right
5 Back extra door / original door

B - Bullet Resistance Steel (Imported) 6.5mm=-.5mm , Warranty 7 years - Area covered

1 Radiator
2 Both fenders
3 Rear area of headlight
4 battery
5 ECM & some other area
6 Frame under windscreen
7 Front Pillars both sides
8 Front doors with sides
9 Under Dashboard
10 Behind Dashboard
11 Centre Pillars reinforced both right/left
12 Centre Pillar over lapping around 5-6 inches
13 Rear door with sides
14 Area covered besides both sides of seat
15 Area covered besides both sides of seat
16 Frame of Dicky glasses
17 Extra door before actual door
18 Frame for extra door glasses
19 Last pillars
20 Roof front to back - 5MM Steel
21 Overlapping between Window glass and roof
22 Fuel tank covered up to Filling point

C - Floor Protection Form HE-36 Hand Grenade

1 2mm MS Sheet
2 10mm Polycarbonate
3 Kevlar / Aramid Panel

D - Heavy Duty Hinges fix with SS Bolt.

E - Heavy duty Steel wheel Rims 5 nos. as per vehical if necessary

F - Heavy duty Run flat system 5 nos

( Vehical Running per kilometer After Damage the tyre )

1 12 to 13km Running same speed
2 13 to 40km running 50 to 60km per hour
3 40 to 80km per hour 40 to 50km speed
4 total distance will be cover is approx 80 to 90 km

G - Heavy duty suspension

1 Coil spring imported for all vehicles
2 Shock absorber only for imported vehicles

H - Good interior in the side

N. E. W. S. Safety Solutions successfully delivered a bulletproof Toyota car, exemplifying our expertise in advanced automotive protection. Equipped with cutting-edge ballistic technology, the vehicle ensures superior safety without compromising Toyota's renowned reliability and performance. Each feature was meticulously designed and customized to meet the client’s exact needs, combining security and functionality seamlessly. At N. E. W. S. Safety Solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative bulletproof solutions, making us a trusted leader in the safety and protection industry.

Toyota Fortuner

Toyota Land Cruiser

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